I am completing a double degree in Public Communication and Creative Intelligence and Innovation, and the organisation I will use is associated with the latter course. TED provides a platform for individuals to share ‘ideas worth spreading’ and therefore, it often informs and stimulates its audience members. For example, I enjoyed watching the TEDTalk ‘Facebook’s role in Brexit – and the threat to democracy’ by Carole Cadwalladr (and the documentary ‘The Great Hack’ that she features in), and it is this discussion of data privacy that has impacted the campaign I am developing for digital literacy. The campaign can be used at a TEDx Program or Conference to further educate those who attend. I will specify this audience further as I progress.

Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation: Problems to Possibilities

The Problems to Possibilities course is associated with the campaign as the images will communicate the contemporary (and diverse) problems in data privacy and convey that an understanding of data privacy will improve the digital literacy of the user and consequently ensure greater control of their personal information and online navigation.

I would like to use the images to convey the problem of data privacy when it is exploited and the possibilities of data privacy when it is understood and respected by the content producer and consumer.

One thought on “Update One

  1. Love your choice of organisation and excellent linkage to Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Also a broad but fascinating focus on data privacy which is an increasingly significant aspect of digital literacy. These two together give you lots to play around with when you start drafting your images, and I look forward to seeing these. You have started off the assessment with prior research into data privacy and from the perspective of your organisation, so you are on to a fantastic start. It will be interesting to see how you develop images from the point of view of TED, when all we see of them (usually) are the scholars and creatives they host.


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